Income Stats
Provincial Kinesiology Associations (PKAs) from time to time survey their members to gather information on the evolution of the practice and then make available statistics on wages, type of employment, etc.
Here are the latest data:
In British Columbia:
- 57% of Kinesiologists practice full time and 43% part-time.
- 34% earn between 20-40 000$/yr,
- 30% earn between 40-60 000k$/yr,
- 22% earn less than 20 000$/yr,
- 15% earn higher that 60 000$.
In Québec:
- 66 of Kinesiologists practice full time and 33% part-time,
- 50% are self-employed in 3 sectors: 34% fitness centers, 21% Public Health Institution, 18% private clinics either as employees or owners.
- 8% earn more than 65 000$/yr,
- 13% earn between 50-65 000$/yr
- 27% earn between 35-50 000$/yr
- 25% earn between 20-35 000$/yr,
- 27% earn between 20 000$/yr